Daily Bible Verse

Friday, January 25, 2008

Our Pride and Joy!

Yesterday was a day filled with emotional roller coaster rides. First it was excitement in the morning, then great anticipation, then anxiety kicked in before joy came through.
What do I mean by that? Well, Lyn collected her 'O' levels result yesterday.
I'm so glad we were there all the way to support her.
You see, Lyn had tried her very best last year with her studies when she finally decided to really buck up and do well for 'O's. She was not exactly up to par from sec 1 to 3 but we believed in her that she will mature and will start to plan for her future. She did! When she started to work hard, we cheered her on knowing that that's the best thing we can do and should do. She didn't disappoint us!
You see, before we left for school, I felt that we needed to pray and commit everything to God. No matter what the results were, God is in control - that was what I prayed. I wanted her to put her trust in God and learn to accept whatever results she may get. Deep in my heart I knew she'll do well but if she didn't, I didn't want to put pressure on her.
When we reached school, the anxiety is really unbelievable. All the girls were excited, seeing many of their friends' names listed on the screen - those who scored xx amount of As, those who had a high aggregate difference between prelim and 'O's etc etc. Well, it came time for the rest to collect their results and we were literally standing on our toes with anticipation. She called me on my mobile to tell me that she scored better than expected! Hallelujah!!!! Praise the Lord. I'll never forget that scene when she came running to us, with tears in her eyes and a wide grin on her face and gave both of us a big hug. I cried, so proud of her. Tim was controlling his tears but I could see the redness and tears welling up in his eyes.
In fact, she did better than many of her classmates who always topped her! I believe her hard work paid off, but most importantly, God has be glorified in all this!!!!
Thank you Jesus for seeing us through!

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