Daily Bible Verse

Monday, January 28, 2008

14 years old Charice Pempengco

Her voice is not too bad. Great stage presence also. Just like what the interviewer said, she made the stage looks small. Watch for her changing of the mics from right to left hand, in mid air - cool! Have a listen:

And the interview session:

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Our Pride and Joy!

Yesterday was a day filled with emotional roller coaster rides. First it was excitement in the morning, then great anticipation, then anxiety kicked in before joy came through.
What do I mean by that? Well, Lyn collected her 'O' levels result yesterday.
I'm so glad we were there all the way to support her.
You see, Lyn had tried her very best last year with her studies when she finally decided to really buck up and do well for 'O's. She was not exactly up to par from sec 1 to 3 but we believed in her that she will mature and will start to plan for her future. She did! When she started to work hard, we cheered her on knowing that that's the best thing we can do and should do. She didn't disappoint us!
You see, before we left for school, I felt that we needed to pray and commit everything to God. No matter what the results were, God is in control - that was what I prayed. I wanted her to put her trust in God and learn to accept whatever results she may get. Deep in my heart I knew she'll do well but if she didn't, I didn't want to put pressure on her.
When we reached school, the anxiety is really unbelievable. All the girls were excited, seeing many of their friends' names listed on the screen - those who scored xx amount of As, those who had a high aggregate difference between prelim and 'O's etc etc. Well, it came time for the rest to collect their results and we were literally standing on our toes with anticipation. She called me on my mobile to tell me that she scored better than expected! Hallelujah!!!! Praise the Lord. I'll never forget that scene when she came running to us, with tears in her eyes and a wide grin on her face and gave both of us a big hug. I cried, so proud of her. Tim was controlling his tears but I could see the redness and tears welling up in his eyes.
In fact, she did better than many of her classmates who always topped her! I believe her hard work paid off, but most importantly, God has be glorified in all this!!!!
Thank you Jesus for seeing us through!

"Branches were broken off that I could be grafted in" (Romans 11:19 NIV).

One day when Julianna was twelve years old, she rushed out her front door on her way to dance class. She slammed the door behind her as she hurried to catch her ride, but the door closed before all of her fingers followed her body across the threshold. Now you have probably slammed your fingers in a door a time or two, and can remember wincing a bit. But Julianna never does anything half-way. She jerked to a sudden halt, spun around quickly, and saw her appendages trapped in the closed door. When she opened the door to remove her hand, she was horrified to discover that not all of it was there. She had amputated the upper third of her second right finger.
"Help! Somebody help me! I've just cut off my finger!"
Fortunately, the woman picking her up for dance class was a nurse. She rushed to the screaming ballerina. "Julianna, where's your mom?" she asked.
"She's not here," Julianna answered between sobs. "Nobody's here but Daniel."
"Quick," the neighbor instructed, "Let's put some pressure on that nub. Daniel, come help us!" she yelled.
Daniel, Julianna's fifteen-year-old brother, ran down the stairs at the cry for help.
"Julianna's just cut her finger off. You have to find it. We've got to put it in ice and take her to the hospital right away."
A pale faced Daniel went to the scene of the accident. As he hung his head, he saw the finger lying at his feet. Trying not to lose his breakfast, Daniel picked up his sister's digit in a towel and handed it over to the nurse.

Well, the good news is that they got to the hospital in time. The skilled doctor put Humpty-Dumpty back together again and told them to pray that the finger would reattach.
"We'll keep our fingers crossed," he said with a grin as he walked out of the treatment room.
A few days later Julianna unwrapped the bandages, afraid of what she might find underneath. What she saw was not a pretty sight. Instead of a finger, she saw a black mushroom-like thimble sitting atop her nub.
"Doctor, we took the bandage off today. It's black and crusty and looks like a mushroom cap," her mom reported. "It looks dead."
"That's fine," he reassured her. "Don't worry. If nature is working properly, and it sounds like it is, the top will turn black, but underneath, nerves and blood vessels are reattaching. Underneath the thimble, a new finger is forming. She needs the old part in order for the new part to form underneath. In about three weeks, we'll know if the procedure worked. Just keep it wrapped and clean."
A few weeks after the accident, Julianna came to spend the night with us while she was attending a dance camp in my hometown. I had the pleasure of her company and the displeasure of changing her bandage. Her description was accurate.
Four weeks after Julianna had returned home, she wrote me a thank you note for having her in our home. She ended by saying, "P.S. Guess what? My crusty thimble fell off and I have a new finger!"

Now don't ask me how this happened. It is a mystery to me. But scripture tells of another mystery that is just as amazing. Another grafting process that is just as miraculous. God demonstrated His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners (cut off, dead, rotten to the core), Christ died for us and made it possible for us to be grafted onto the living root -- Jesus Himself (Romans 5:8, Romans 11:17). At the very moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, we receive a new living spirit to replace our old dead spirit. God performs a spiritual makeover in the twinkling of an eye - in the time it takes for us to say, "I believe."
Now that's a miracle.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

O Holy Night - David Phelps

I've never heard this song sung this way. Every word is interpreted as he sings along. It's no JUST a song anymore. It's really really GOOD!!! hair stand, eyes wet, heart in awesome wonder. Never thought of exactly how amazing Jesus' birth means to us! All knees bow and all tongues confess that CHRIST IS LORD!

Thank you Joel for introducing it to me!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

3 year old Akim

This boy is so amazing. I like the part when the orchestra supported him at the end (for his last song). It's a bit long but very interesting - if you like music!

Amazing 8 year old child prodigy

Sand Fantasy

This artist is really good. You can view more of her work from www.sandfantasy.com

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nice Animation!

From Girlfriends in God:

"Pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17 )

Friend to Friend

Over the past few years, my spiritual life has changed dramatically. I've witnessed the LORD move in amazing ways, and have felt His hand guide me like never before. What's the big secret? Why the big change? Simple: prayer. There is unexplainable power in prayer.
No, prayer isn't new to me. I've prayed ever since I was a child. But even though I love God, I've often struggled to remain focused during my quiet time...or even to carve out a daily quiet time, for that matter. My creative mind has a strong tendency to wander. So a few years back, I began keeping a prayer journal...and my faith has really grown as a result.
My journal isn't fancy or expensive, just a notebook that can be picked up anywhere, but it has been a power tool for God's movement in and through my life. By keeping my heart focused in prayer, my journal has fanned the flame of my prayers, and has fueled the fire in my soul to connect with our active and living God who longs to be the center of our attention.
It's not rocket science, and there aren't any special tricks. A prayer journal can be an effective tool for spiritual growth, but the power is in the praying! How do I put my power tool to work? I start by writing the date. Then I jot down who and what I want to pray about. I also love to write out scripture passages that have spoken to my heart. Then I go to my Father...focused and fearless. God is the source of all power, and prayer is essential to experiencing His power in our lives.
Martin Luther
said, "As it is the business of tailors to make clothes, and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray." Prayer moves the hand of God, yet, statistically; most Christians spend less than 5 minutes a day in prayer. That's just crazy! Why would we expect God to show His power in our lives if we don't give Him more time than we spend brushing our teeth each day?
Are you experiencing the power of God in your life? He wants you to come to Him in prayer: when you are hurting, when you are angry, when you need direction, when you need answers, when you need hope, when you need healing. He wants you to come to Him for forgiveness, courage, strength, confidence, and perspective. Come with praise, adoration, humility, honor, and worship.
So -- grab a journal and focus your heart and thoughts on God...or, if that idea yucks you out, banish the thought. What matters is that you pray. He just wants you to come.
A GIG PLEDGE: Let's commit together to spend more time on our knees in 2008! Raise your right hand and say out loud: "Lord, it is my sincere intention to seek you more fervently in 2008." God assures us, that when we seek Him, we will find Him! As Girlfriends in God, we are growing rapidly in numbers. All around the globe, close to 50,000 women come together in devotion to seek God's face. As we grow in width, may we, as GiGs, also grow in depth. I pray that 2008 will lead us, collectively and individually, deeper and wider into the life changing presence of God.
Let's Pray
Holy Father, Thank You for allowing me to come to You in prayer. I humbly bow before Your throne of grace and ask that You would forgive me for all of the times I have failed to come. I need You more than I know. Please help me experience the fullness of Your life-changing presence in a fresh and powerful way this year. For Your glory and In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Now it's Your Turn
Consider keeping a prayer journal! Grab a pen and a notebook and get started! If you don't know where to start, use this as a template to begin:
Begin reading the Psalms during your quiet time. Journal what you learn and write down the verses that stir your heart. (There are 150 of them and if you meditate on one or two each day, you could be kept busy for a few months!)

More from the Girlfriends

One morning, as I was reading in the Psalms, I came across a great scripture prayer. It is Psalm 143:8: "Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." As I read it over and over, a song came to my heart.
Gwen Smith is a worship artist, songwriter, speaker, and author. Visit her website at: www.GwenSmith.net, or stop by her e-store to grab a few of her worship CDs.

New Super Mario Bros with a twist

Sunday, January 06, 2008

He is our HEALER!

Latest song in VFC: Powerful!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Wishing all my friends a-z New Year: Amazing, Blessed, Colourful, Dynamite, Exceptional, Fantastic, Glorious, Hilarious, Incredible, Joyful, Kinetic, Lovely, Magnificent, Noble, Outstanding, Perfect, Quirky, Radiant, Surpassing, Tremendous, Unique, Valuable, Wonderful, Xtraordinary, Youthful, Zero-cool