Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Trying to express something for a friend (我似乎能体会你的感受):
There were many occasions in life that we seemingly walked to a cross road junction and then realised that we do not know which way to go. Sometimes, we chose the wrong way, but there were times when we were lead by instincts and made the right decision. Most of the time, we're just lost, we're not sure which way to go

"I've just reached a particular point in life where I feel so confused, lost, but yet I knew exactly what was going on and what happened. It's such a complicated and mixed up feeling that I can't even put it down in words. It's like 我很享受你给我的温暖,关心,爱心和支持。环绕在你的身边是我最喜欢的一件事,喜欢看着你,喜欢听到你温柔的声音,喜欢你的味道,喜欢你的眼睛,期待你的来电,期待你会多看我一眼,期待你能天天陪着我,期待着你对我微笑。没有你我很难呼吸,没有你我会没有胃口,会不想起床。
可是,因为害怕,因为知道我们不会有结果,因为不知道你对我到底是什么感觉,为了不让自己受到伤害,为了不让你感到尴尬, 我必须让你走。为什么你要来挑动我的心呢?我该怎么办呢?

But, which way to go? Cross road junction is not somewhere I wanna be, but once I've reached it, I'll have to learn to be responsible for any decision made!