Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Human Nature

Why? I really question why there are so many different kinds of people in the world. I always think that those TV dramas were too exaggerated, esp some story lines n plot, n e human nature displayed were so unrealistic. Well, I WAS WRONG!
Never would I imagine meeting people of every kind, people who would back stab you, people who would try and make you a scapegoat, people who would take advantage of you (every single ounce of it) etc. I was not rightly treated, was very hurt and angry :'( I felt injustice and had an impulse to defend back! I wanted to shout back: 你把我当草,可是也有很多人把我当宝!I am of value, esp in the eyes of God!
I have to learn to lay it at the feet of the cross, let go and let God! Let God be my vindicator!
I really thank God that in times like this, I have a God that I can rely on.
God is good!

Thursday, February 26, 2009