Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Good News Singapore - 10th to 12th April 2009, Singapore Indoor Stadium
Preparation work begun as early as last year 2008.
Our church has not been organising such big crusade for a while and everybody was excited about it.
I must say the publicity team did really great with all the video presentations, the outstanding handbills and all.
We had fun doing the handbill saturation, everyone was enthusiatic and really looking forward the event.
When news of people coming to the event from as far as China, Vietnam and Indonesia, we were really excited. We were also told of the many opportunities where church members were able to invite people to the event.
When the day came, the stadium was packed FULL on Friday night and even the overflow hall was fully occupied.
When it was time for salvation respond, my heart teared to see so many gave their hearts to God.
When one soul get saved, the angels in heaven rejoices, seeing so many souls reponded to God, heaven must be having a party cum celebration!!!
I had a wonderful time with the choir too, as everyone was very responsive and served with their whole heart!
I was told that the choir, musicians and lead singers brought such a high impact to the congregation too, many really celebrated and worshipped as a church! Praise the Lord!
I'm so honoured to be part of this team!

Well, GNS was fantastic! Looking forward to the next one, perhaps next year?