Daily Bible Verse

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Patience - Fruit of the Spirit!

Patience is a virtue. Patience is part of the Fruit of the Spirit. Patience is a test of character.
But yet, to acquire Patience itself needs patience too. Too many times in life, the moment you think you've 'collected' enough, situation just 'conveniently' swing by to test your patience and most of the time, that small level of patience seems to be at the edge of snapping.
You need patience for everything. Patience when you are learning new things/skills, patience in office or school, patience when dealing with people, patience when parenting, patience when at the cross road junction waiting for the traffic light to change, patience when we feel hurt or misunderstood, patience when we are in the wrong and need forgiveness, patience even when waiting for our cup to be filled with water when we need a drink!
Sometimes I really wonder, is it really working? To hold on to my patience, and pray that the situation will just get better? or just let myself go and pick up the pieces after the big explosion? I guess that is the time when we have to weigh the consequences, bite the bullet and let God's peace and patience and L-O-N-G S-U-F-F-E-R-I-N-G take over.
I need patience to be patient!

Looking at even the most minute things in life requires of it, Lord, I need more patience! Teach me Lord!

Friday, June 05, 2009

What is your cup?

A cup is a type of container from which a drink is consumed. It can be coffee, tea, milk, fizzy drinks, herbal tea or even just water. But I just learned from someone that she actually uses different cups for different drinks. A glass cup is used for drinks like milk or bandung, cos you can actually see the purity of the drink before you bring it close to your mouth. But once you use a cup for coffee, that cup should not be used for any other drinks, as we do not want to mix the taste of other drinks into the cup. How true it is, that we never really see a cup as close as that.

But what about us? Are we a 'cup' that is used for many different kinds of 'drinks'?

We need a daily filling of the Lord's presence and His Holy Spirit. But along the way, there seems to be many kinds of 'rubbish' in the world that flood our mind. Do we use e same 'cup' to fill all those too? Are we mixing the different kinds of 'drinks'? Are we polluting our mind and heart?

Let's be a designated cup, only to be used for one kind of drink! Cheers!