今天早上起得很早,不到五点就天亮了,很自然就会把眼睛睁开。温州山上的景色非常的美,人也美,空气又好。我也精神了很多。下午开始彩排,第一次与其他的老师们合作,感觉非常幸福, 好神奇哦!晚上跟学生们第一次接触,觉得大家都好好哦。很快的,美好的一天又过了。
Woke up very early this morning, although very tired, but cant really sleep well. Maybe it's because the sun rises earlier here, at about 5am :)
Breakfast greeted us this morning, very interesting, warm, different. The students bought for us KFC porridge, with fried dough (you tiao 油条), hash brown and coffee/tea. The team had a good time sharing what we think this trip should be like. We agreed to have daily devotion and prayer esp for this trip, so that we'll depend on the Lord for wisdom, strength and guidance. After breakfast, we went for a walk as the students get the instruments and equipments ready. As we arrived late last night, I didn't know that we were really situated in the midst of mountains. Very beautiful!!!
After that was rehearsal. First time singing/playing with the team, how do I feel? G-R-E-A-T!!! They were awesome. Each member knows what is their role, each one complimenting the other, very smooth, very in-tune with each other. Although I do not know most of the songs, it was still a wonderful and enriching experience.
Evening was when all the students started to stream in. We had an evening service, where each of us were introduced and was given some time to interact with our students. I was overwhelmed as the students were very welcoming and friendly. They made me feel so at home.
Well, that's the end of day 2 - Tiring day!