Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1/6/08 - 3/6/08 (Day 8 - 10) 第八到十天

Well, it's time to leave Wenzhou. We went straight to DongGuan immediately after touch-down at GuangZhou. Then it was a special ministry night at a factory. Sorry, no photos cos we were not allowed to take any. It was there that we heard the testimonies of two brothers and their hometown in SiChuan. Thank God for His grace and mercy!
Monday was an 'off' day, where we went massaging and shopping :) not that there were anything special to buy, really 'CMI' kind lor :) We saw on the street an interesting T-shirt which we nearly bought - Bonald Buck print on it :P
That night was Chuck's treat to Japs restaurant. Very yummy, very relaxing, a time to fellowship and gel with each other again.
Next day, drove down to GuangZhou & had night service there. The people were very receptive towards the Lord's leading & us. Thank God.
Us with Enoch and his wife. They, together with their other siblings treated us very warmly. They brought us to dinner before service and supper after that.
This was where we went for supper. For once, we went to an 'ang mo' kind of food. We had coffee :) Very classy place :)
It was also there that I tried duck's tongue. Interesting taste, quite nice actually, hehe.