Daily Bible Verse

Friday, June 13, 2008

25/5/08 (Day 1) - Arrived in Wenzhou 温州,我们来了!

双脚终于踏上了温州的土地,也与其他老师们会合了。看到学生们以笑脸欢迎老师们的时候,心中充满了期盼,好想在一瞬间就与大家打成一片。他们也把我们照顾得非常好,带我们去吃晚餐 (一间非常附有格调的餐厅),还把我们送到家门口, 我相信,虽然老师们都很累,可是我们都很很感动。好了,也已经是凌晨12点了,快睡吧,为明天冲刺吧!Arrived in Wenzhou (after a dramatic delay on the domestic flight fr Guangzhou to Wenzhou) at about 5-ish, met up with Chuck & the others, we finally made our way to dinner, then drive up the mountains for another hour where we stayed for the next few days. Reached our destination at around mid-night. What a tiring day! Although we still do not know each other very well yet, I had a good feeling that we'll just hit off very well.