Daily Bible Verse

Monday, June 16, 2008

27/5/2008 (Day 3) 第三天 - 课程正式开始

这是我们女老师的睡房, 也是老师们每天早上一起祷告的地方。This is the girl's room, also where all the teachers meet for daily devotion and prayer. We usually hang out in the boy's room.

梁伟强老师,我最喜欢他所弹的键盘二,特别是萨克斯管, 好好听哦。I've never met anyone blowing into his synth, until now (I know I'm a bit suaku). His saxophone 'blowing' was great!

许华强老师,一位附有爱心和非常善良的人。Jonathan Koh, multi talented, even though he's got an impressive background in the past, he's very humble, with a gentle and kind heart.

林义恩老师,我们最年轻,最帅的贝斯老师!Well, youngest and most 'handsomestest' (ahum, cough) bassist!

杨少伟 老师,我很喜欢和他聊天,因为每每与他说话以后,自己的心情也会好起来。Jeremy, talented and fun guy to hang around with. He brought lots of laughter into the group. Thanks Jeremy!

秋云老师,一位我非常敬佩的人。 她的才华是有目共睹的。CY, what can I say? You've always been an inspiration to many people around you. It's God's gift to you. I'm so glad that you've been blessing the Kingdom of God. Thank you!

当然,不要忘记我们的灵魂人物,洪启元老师和阿Hum老师。洪老师不止要领唱,还要教导学生们如何带领大家进入崇拜。阿Hum老师把音响系统管理的十全十美。他不愧是我合作过最好的调音师。哇!大家都很专业。Not forgetting, Chuck Hong and Ah Hum. Chuck was the leader of the team, not only planning the schedule, but also leading the people into songs and teaching them to lead others into worship too. Ah Hum, the BEST sound personal I've ever worked with, very professional, very detailed, very precise.

学生们正在学习如何唱歌。大家都很用功。Singing lesson begins. Students learning how to sing, and feeling the sensation of 'head' tone. I even made them bark like a dog :)

键盘一课正在如火如荼的进行着。That's the keyboard class. Everyone is so eager to learn. Wow, what a sight!

午餐时间到了!老师们可以趁机休息,也可以讨论学生们的进展。这可是我们老师们最宝贵的时间之一。Lunch Time!!! We use this time to eat, rest, prepare for next session, discuss about the progress of students etc. This is precious time!

又到了一天最期盼的时刻了,那就是蛋挞时间!虽然我一直听到其他老师们谈起,说蛋挞多好吃,可是当我咬下它第一口时,哇!真的是好好吃哦!好!我们一定要每天都吃到它!I've heard them talking about egg tart egg tart, what is so nice about it? Well, it was only until I sink my teeth into one of this, then I understood how nice it was. Yes! It was decided that we'll find every opportunity to grab a few of these whenever we can! Egg tart...... here we come!!!!