Daily Bible Verse

Friday, June 06, 2008

我们回来了!I'm Back :)

Hey frenz,
I'm back from China! Wow! What an experience. I've totally enjoyed my stay there, meeting the Chinese folks, working with superb and excellent musicians from different background, different culture, different churches, but worshiping the same God, with the same passion and love.
I've gained a lot of beautiful memories and also made wonderful life-long relationships with some of the greatest people I know. I thank God for CY ('mostest betterest' piano player and a great friend), Jonathan ('more betterestest' Electric guitar player and the bestest heart), Sean (more 'mostest wonderfulest' bassist friend I can ever ask for), Steve (most 'betterestest' synth 'blower' and very cixiang), Chuck (most thankfulest for you and for all that you've done), Ah Hum (most professional sound personal I've ever worked with), Jeremy (more 'mostest funnest' person, you made me laugh!!!), Joncon and RongLei, BingRong, LiYong, Enoch, Meimei etc. God is good!!!
Will upload some photos later.
Thank you all for keeping us in prayer.