Daily Bible Verse

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

28/5/2008 - 29/5/2008 (day 4 and 5)

接下来的两天,我们是加紧把握所有时间来上课跟练习,因为星期五晚上每个团队都要上台示范, 所以大家都会找机会练习。而老师们在休息时间会到附近的小溪散散心,拍拍照。Day after day, all we need is more time, but seemingly, it's always not enough :) whenever we have time, we would juz walk over to the little stream for a time of relaxation, a time to be part of nature, to breathe in the air of freshness.
看到温州兄弟姐妹们敬拜,有时会让我感动,眼泪也会不听使唤的掉下来。Worship - in the eyes of the brothers and sisters there in Wenzhou, somehow the meaning is so different.

华强老师分享了一段非常感人肺腑的讯息,谢谢你把神要说的都传达出来。Jon shared a message on Thursday night that I think is truly God-given, thought provoking and inspiring.

当然,蛋挞是我们的压轴罗。Then came the highlight of the night. Well, it came timely too because on Wednesday night, we actually had no water to bathe, to even brush our teeth. We then went down the mountain for supper (which was very heavy, more like dinner), dry clean ourselves before heading back up the mountains. But for egg tart, it was worth it :)